Tags : account,power leveling, game card
Recently, the Testlive Server launched. Anyone with an active account Age of Conan can login and use it, and you'll get a glimpse of what future patches will contain. Previously, the test server has been limited to former beta testers, and it was under NDA. No more!
Quality Assurance staff and developers will be on the Testlive Server, giving you the chance to speak directly to them and relay feedback.
Funcom has thought of how to expedite the testing by adding special vendors that will allow you to level up your characters to various levels. This leveling process will also give you appropriate equipment for your level. These vendors will appear on Testlive in the next few weeks.
Ok, this all sounds great, but how do I access the Testlive Server? It's easy, make sure you have Age of Conan installed and patched to the latest version, then download the Testlive Duplicator Tool.
Once the tool is downloaded simply run the executable. Select the Source directory (This is where you have the Live client installed) and then select the Destination directory (this is where the Testlive Client will be installed). When the tool has finished go to the destination folder and run ConanPatcher.exe.
The Testlive forums will launch in the coming days.
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