Tags : Darkfall CD-key, Darkfall account, Darkfall power leveling, Darkfall gold, Darkfall cd key
The latest update from Tasos on the Darkfall forums covers their efforts to resolve a number of bugs and errors as well as a lengthy list of patch notes.
Concerning client sales on Monday time has changed to 6PM GMT for the store to open up.
Something billing related: Some people are reporting messages about getting charged again for the Darkfall Client. This is an erroneous message that got triggered while billing requests were being processed and delayed transactions are going through for players who had not been billed properly and could not access the subscription page to get a subscription. If you were actually charged for the Darkfall client recently, it's because your charge just went through, and you hadn't been charged properly before. In the unlikely event that a double charge is initiated for whatever reason, the transaction is canceled within 24 hours.
Also about the extra days we gave out, they will be applied to all accounts properly, whether you're seeing the correct amount of days remaining in account management or not. This will be updated correctly.
About siege mechanics: A few days ago a siege ended without the expected result. We investigated why this happened and discovered a combination of unrelated errors were responsible. Everything associated with this has been corrected so it won't happen again. We want to thank everyone for their feedback on this incident.
Read more here.
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