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Perhaps the biggest challenge we have to overcome as developers is that of assumptions. People assume they will play Spellborn in a way similar to how they played through their previous romp.
Back in 2007, The Chronicles of Spellborn was in Closed Beta phase and was a much harder game to play. The bears in Hawksmouth had an appetite for new recruits and managing to kill one of these furry creatures was the stuff of legends. Although it was demanding, it did show people that Spellborn was very unlike ’Click & Forget’ MMOs where you are mostly clicking icons, then moving to the next target and then clicking icons again. I know that is a gross generalization but playing Spellborn like a ‘traditional’ MMO will for the most get you killed. That did serve a purpose though: it taught people, in the harshest way possible, how to play. It taught them the need to dodge. It taught them they needed to move while fighting. Yet the bears’ difficulty also scared people off as the game quickly became a death-by-bear simulation.
Read the introduction to The Chronicles of Spellborn's New Tutorial here.
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