Tags : Aion account, Korean aion account
In last few days, many Korean Aion accounts were suspended including a few of the ones bought from us. To avolid more accounts being suspended in future, please acknowledge that:
1.) Aion Korean Open Beta ended on Nov 25, all open beta accounts will be unplayable at that time and players who want to continue playing will need to subscribe.
2.) Every KSSN are available for registration of 5 Aion accounts, the behavior made by each of them affecting the others. In the interests of you and the others, please do not violate the rule of NC Soft, and do not behave inappropriately in game. As those behavior might lead to account suspended, and we will not be responsible for that.
3.) The Korean VPN (Virtual Private Network) will be essential to keep your account away from being suspended and for better game experience. Please DO login the game through Korean VPN. You are able to get further information about VPN on http://www.3zoom.com/aion-all/cheap-account-4-all.html.
4.) To ensure your account be safe, please consider buying all 5 accounts under the same KSSN with your friends.
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