Tags : Warhammer gold, warhammer online, warhammer guild
This week we’ll explore the nuances of the Guild Interface, which is your tool for managing your guild and keeping in touch with fellow guildies. Guild Interface is really comprehensive and user-friendly, containing all the tools you need as a guild leader, guild member, or alliance member. The guild interface contains six different windows: Profile, Calendar, Roster, Standard, Rewards, and Admin.
The Standard window is where the Guild’s standard is displayed. Standards are granted as a guild reward and are two handed items that are usable by Standard Bearer’s on the battlefield to grant bonuses to the party (more on Standards below under Guild Standards). From this tab, Guild’s can view their Standard, Edit their Heraldry, set the Standard post, and modify Tactics for the Standard. The Heraldry Editor is accessed from this window,
For further information about the Warhammer Online Guild, please keep an eye on 3zoom- The professional Warhammer Gold provider.
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