Tags : aion question of community, aion news, aion online
Caladon on server [West]Kaisinel asks:
“You mentioned in the latest community address that you’re having more events in the game in the future. Are they going to be like the Solorius Festival?”
We think in-game events are a great way to liven up your day in the game, to tie the community closer together, and to further Aion’s lore. They are a necessity for keeping the game experience fresh. That we are planning for more in-game events was briefly touched on in our January Community Address, but we can say a few additional things here. Our planning is still at an early stage, but we have established a rough timeline for what we want to do over the coming year.
Something we have been kicking around to try for a rainy day is that we might have more spontaneous events that are not announced a long time beforehand. We find thrills not only in spontaneously jumping onto servers and spawning Guardian Deities, but also in meticulously planning a chain of events to set off without any news announcement paving the way.
Source: Aiononline.com
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